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Ad Hoc Market Research Surveys are used to address specific marketing issues or areas of enquiries by collecting data at one point in time from one sample. In other words, Ad Hoc Market Research Surveys are a one-off, deployed on an as-and-when basis to address a particular research need. Where responses and attitudes require tracking over an extended period, continuous market research surveys are more apt.

OAK conducts many Ad-hoc Media Research projects mandated by publishers and broadcasters for specific objectives:

  1.  New publication concept test
  2. Refreshed publication concept explanatory research
  3. TV program analysis, to detect factors of success are weakness and propose remedy
  4. New TV program concept test
  5. Anchors and presenters research to nurture and breed talent and successful professionals
  6. Advertising reading and noting tests
  7. Editorial analysis to explore style, depth and breadth of coverage, crispiness of stories, and overall effectiveness
  8. A host of methods, research disciplines and techniques are used to explore, investigate, capture and analyze data to provide scientific support to media research requirements.