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Quantitative Research

Quantitative Research

Market research can give you insight into your market, your competitors, your products, your marketing and your customers. It is an important first step before you undertake many key marketing tasks including preparing a marketing plan, doing product development, branding and pricing.

Market research should also inform your online marketing strategy.


OAK utilizes several tools to successfully conduct Quantitative Research such as:

Face-to-Face interviews can be conducted in any place – at home, on the street, at work, at points of entry or exit. A dedicated, trained field team ensures quality of the collected data.

CATI (Computer Assisted Telephone Interviews) comprising of a call center, CATI Software and a team of interviewers operating workstations equipped with telephone lines. Experienced Tel-operators administer the survey questionnaire using a computer program to a randomly selected target audience.

Mystery Shopping is a tool used to evaluate customer service, operations, employee integrity, and product quality. It aims to clearly establish where you are, where you want to be, and how OAK: Mystery Shopping mystery shopping can help get you there. OAK has developed Mystic, a comprehensive web-based solution Mystery Shopping is performed in person / on-site location, telephone and via web. For data handling and reporting Mystery Shopping Research findings via the internet. Mystic allows channel managers to receive alerts, read scored records and reflect on comments from OAK’s analysts to take action on the most pertinent issues in real time.

  1. Fields of Application
  2. Customer Satisfaction / Engagement Surveys
  3. Brand Research
  4. Business-to-business
  5. Social Research
  6. Usage & Attitude Studies
  7. Organizational Climate Surveys
  8. Brand Image Surveys and Brand Value Tracking
  9. Advertising Effectiveness Surveys
  10. Survey Society Perception Surveys
  11. Media Research

Message Development and Testing

Product Concept and Prototype Testing

Benchmarking and Tracking

Price-Point Research

CAWI (Computer Assisted Web Interviews) are online surveys. The survey questionnaire is uploaded to a dedicated web-server. The respondents follow on-screen instructions to complete the survey.

Mail Surveys where the printed questionnaires are sent to the respondents via Post. On completion the respondents return the questionnaire using the postage-paid envelopes.

Inserts are used for Opinion Polling. The respondents receive a self-completion questionnaire along with their subscribed publications.